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Hello world!  My name is LilyO and welcome to my website.  My tips today are about how to have a good year every year.

My number one tip is to keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Well, your hands and feet are very special parts of your body, so you shouldn’t hurt anybody with them because they will get hurt and you’ll get hurt and you might get into a fight.  That is very bad for you.  Sometimes boys at my school have to go to hospital because they didin’t keep their hands and feet to themselves and had a fight.

My number two tip is to use a nice voice when you speak to other people.

Nice voices mean manners, means a nice voice, not yelling and screaming.  Yelling and screaming is very bad for your throat I can tell you.  And singing is also a way of talking and using your voice.  Singing is good to do for you if you like singing.  I think singing is good for you because it is fun – actually, make that very fun.  Talking, like saying please and thank you, and making nice friends by saying things like “hello, would you like to be my friend” is good.

So, these are my ideas of helping you to have a good year.  You can also use other helping tips from other people.

I would love to hear what tips you have for me and the world to have a good year.

Happy New Year!


This post gives you some tips about how you can be kind to others at Christmas. Just follow the link below. Enjoy!

How to be kind at Christmas

PS:  I posted this video when my blog was hosted on my free wordpress account, so don’t be tricked by the blog address – I am here now at! (: