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Hello everyone!
My post today is “How to keep fit”. I also tell you why it is important to stay fit. Staying fit makes you happier and healthier, so enjoy the video!
Love Lily O

Hello everyone.  Welcome back to my blog…..This week I’m going to talk about how to play with friends.

Now that you have a group of friends you should play with them.  You should get your parents to organise a play date unless your old and you don’t need your parents’ permission.

If you go to school, you should play with your friends,  and if one of your friends is sick, you should always play with a group of friends so it won’t matter too much if someone is unable to make it.

When playing with your friends at school or in the playground, you should always include other kids who want to want to play with you even if you don’t know them well.

That’s all for this week.  Have a happy, healthy week.

Lily O