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Archive for the ‘Poetry’ category

Here’s another one of my poems. Hope you enjoy it!

I Can’t Write a Poem

Forget it
You must be kidding!
I feel sick.
My hand hurts
And I don’t know what a poem is.
People keep bumping me
And my drink bottle is empty. I am thirsty.
I am hugry and
My pencil is blunt.
And besides
I need to go to the toilet.
It is noisy.
Time’s up – uh oh!
All I have is this dumb list of excuses
You like it? Really! No kidding.
Thanks a lot.
Would you like to see another one?

by Bruce Lansky and Lily Osborne 2013


Hello. Today I am going to talk about poems .

It is fun to write poems.  You get to choose what the poem is going to be about.  If you like writing, you can write poems, sentences, stories and lots of other writing things.

Here is a poem I wrote . It is called “Flowers”.

Lily Flower

Lily Flower


All lovely flowers are lilys, roses & sunflowers.

I actually love flowers because two reasons – the smell & the lovely look. 

I think every person should grow flowers.

If you grow plants, flowers will appear on the trees and bushes

So grow some flowers today.

by Lily O

I hope my poem made you happy.

Live happy and healthy!

Love Lily O – see ya!