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Posts tagged ‘Lily O’
This month I am talking about why pets are great.
Lily O
Hello. Today I am going to talk about poems .
It is fun to write poems. You get to choose what the poem is going to be about. If you like writing, you can write poems, sentences, stories and lots of other writing things.
Here is a poem I wrote . It is called “Flowers”.
All lovely flowers are lilys, roses & sunflowers.
I actually love flowers because two reasons – the smell & the lovely look.
I think every person should grow flowers.
If you grow plants, flowers will appear on the trees and bushes
So grow some flowers today.
by Lily O
I hope my poem made you happy.
Live happy and healthy!
Love Lily O – see ya!
How to Keep Friends
Hello world. Thank you for reading all my posts so far. Today’s post is on “How to Keep Friends”.
There are lots of different people out there who you can make lovely, caring friends with. You should spend lots of time with your friends, probably three days a week, because they are good friends to you. Real friends make sure they listen to each other and they share and take turns of things such as toys and games. Real friends will look out for each other and care for them if someone gets hurt.
Friends are people who care for you and like you. You can have friends who are boys or friends who are girls. Even if you are a girl, you can have friends who are boys, and even if you are a boy you can have friends who are girls. The most important thing is that you care for your friends and play with them.
Even though sometimes you might have a fight, you can still be friends.
Hope you have lots of friends.
How to have family hugs
Hello! Thank you for reading/watching all my posts so far.
Today’s post is about how and why to have family hugs. Why do we have family hugs? Today I will answer that question.
Family hugs are nice to do. It makes your family know you how you feel about them and it makes them feel like you love them in the real, truly heart.
Next, is how to have a family hug. A family hug is really like a normal hug, although with the whole family. It is also very caring, which does mean you care about your family. And how do you do it? Well, really, you just get all the members of your family and just get them into the hug.
Hugs make you feel good. There is a lady called Victoria Murphy who started the world’s biggest hug down the Gold Coast. She calls herself a “hugologist”. She says every person needs at least 10 hugs a day.
I think at least one family hug a day makes good family love.
So, go and hug your family today!
Love Lily O